Archive for the ‘Fun Events’ Category

My Olympic Quotient

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Tender Leaves conducted My Olympics Quotient – a series of workshops involving a myriad of activities ranging from creative writing to vocabulary building, mind mapping sessions, improving presentation skills, encouraging philately and highlighting Indian culture through Olympian ages. These activities were designed to enhance a child’s interpersonal and intra-personal skills.

As part of first day on December 1, there was a fun-filled introduction to Olympics with interesting activities of Map pointing and guessing the continents. The children also got an Olympic Diary which had activities, information to read, and loads of trivia to keep as a personal souvenir. There were a few take-home activities such as gathering information about the Olympic venues, Olympic rings and a special event from each Olympics. The objective was to build in the participating children essential life skills such as Perseverance, Curiosity, Critical Thinking, Reflection and Presentation.

As part of day two, the various games covered in the Summer Olympics were discussed. Information about the host countries was discussed and the games were grouped into different categories such as track & field, aquatic using pictorial representations. Children were also introduced to the world of anagrams. The objective of doing all these activities was to build in them the essential life skills like Creativity, Critical thinking, Reflection, Ability to communicate effectively and Work in Teams.

On day three, children not only learned about Venues, Hosting ceremonies but also made a pitch for India at 2020 Olympics! Children were grouped in teams to pitch for India as a host country for Olympics to be held in 2020. They created Logo and Mascots for the Games and discussed how infrastructure and funds would be improved and decided who will chair the IOA (Indian Olympic Association) team! As a home activity, children had to answer the question: If India were to host Olympics, what would you think would go into the Opening ceremony?

The fourth day of the session comprised of learning to write Acrostic Poems, Glimpse of India at Olympics, Memory Game and Mind Mapping and My Olympic Pledge! Children were taught why it is necessary to have rules and follow them in a game, how rules are formed and changed with time.  As part of the session the children learned, recalled all critical details about Usain Bolt through a Mind-Map presentation.

On the fifth day, the session comprised of Movie watching, Sports, Fun, Learning, and Review Writing! They watched Chak De India – a delightful story of Indian Women’s Hockey team winning the World championship for Hockey. The children were guided to watch out for background score, the camera shots, the acting skills, direction style and editing of the movie. Children were given basic tips on writing movie reviews. There was a home activity to make a mind-map and write a review of Chak de India.

The sixth day of the session comprised of stamps, philately, autograph hunting, magic and lots and lots of fun! Children not only learnt about the importance of stamps, history of stamps, different types of stamps, but also the fun behind stamp collection or philately, the joy in pursuing hobbies and how commemorative stamps of Olympics are of special value. Magic with the hat, stamp collection and exchange with friends were an added bonus to the fun session.

My Olympics Quotient  was about giving the children a chance to be creative and yet learn a great deal, giving them encouragement and enthusiasm to carry it on into later life.

Book Reading – Vikhe Patil Memorial School

On 31st Oct & 2nd November, TenderLeaves organised a book reading session and other fun activities for the students of Vikhe Patil Memorial School, Lohegaon, Pune. The participants, aged between 5 to 9 years, were split into groups of 60 students each. Ms. Priyanka Maurya from TenderLeaves read from books such as Little Black goes to the Circus, Curious George goes to a costume party etc., to the children and got the children involved in fun games to draw a few characters from the books being read, spelling words from the story and other group / individual activities. This session was thoroughly enjoyed by the children and was graciously welcomed by the School principal, Mrs. Mrinalini Bhosale and the staff community.

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The 11th Pune Book Fair is happening this week!

Pune’s biggest event for book lovers is here – the 11th Pune Book Fair. That obscure book you never could find online or in stores? Bargain prices like never before? The biggest collection of books in town?

It’s all here.

TenderLeaves will have a stall at the Pune Book Fair  – with books, fun events, great discounts and more! We will have discounts of upto 20% for readers on book purchases of this blog and our Facebook fans.

Here are details about the event:

Venue: Ganesh Kala Manch, Nehru Stadium, Pune

Dates: 7th to 11th November(Wednesday through Sunday).

Time: 11am to 9pm.

Entry FREE!

(There are special discounts for our blog readers and Facebook fans – to avail of these discounts, just let our team know that you’ve seen this blogpost).

Pune celebrates Pulotsav this November.

Pune will celebrate the birth anniversary of writer Pu La Deshpande from November 4 to 8. Pu La Deshpande, as many of you may know, was a true blue Punekar – and set many of his works in the city.

There are loads of events in the city on the occasion at New English School, Ramanbaug, National Film Archive of India (NFAI) and Film and Television Institute of India (FTII).

But this is also a great occasion to pick up some Marathi books by the great manat TenderLeaves.

Head over to the TenderLeaves site here to check out his books.

ANSWERS/RESULTS: Books and literature quiz as a part of International Book Week.

..and here we are with the results of the International Book Week Quiz! It was very very close at the top – only one point separated the top 11 people. So we’ve decided to award prizes to the top 11 finishers in the quiz.

The top 11 get books from TenderLeaves – which we think will be quite appropriate for the International Book Week. You should hear from our team shortly.

The winners are:

1. Jebby Varghese

2. Sameer Agarwal

3. Rajat Giridhar

4. Oswin Diniz

5. Veena Jhawar

6. Sanasi

7. Uttara

8. Rishabh Shukla

9. Varun

10. Nidhi Tripathi Shukla

11. Sourabh Shukla

Congratulations – and keep reading!


…and below are the answers to the quiz itself.

1. Alexandria, Egypt
2. Dr. Seuss
3. JK Rowling
4. The Old Curiosity Shop
5. Wodehouse
6. Arundhati Roy
7. RK Narayan
8. Jayant Narlikar
9. Haddock
10. Sidney Sheldon



Books and literature quiz as a part of International Book Day.

We continue celebrating this year’s International Book Week with a books-and-literature quiz! As always, we have attractive prizes – this time in THREE categories –

a. School participants(students of upto class 12).

b. College participants(undergraduate and postgraduate students).

c. Open participants(everyone else).

The rules are simple:

– There are 10 questions.

– One point per question.

– No negative marking. The persons who score the highest(in each category) win.

– Type out your answers as comments to this blogpost. (Comments are moderated – and wont show up to others).

That’s it. Without much ado, we get cracking on the quiz!

  1. This is an ancient library that survives in its modern incarnation. Where is it?








2. Which author designed this ad?








3. Whose latest book is called ‘Casual Vacancy’?

4. The name of this place in London has been blanked out. What Dickens book shares its name with the name of this place?













5. The Bollinger Everyman _____ Prize is one of UK’s literary awards for comic literature. As a part of festivities, a pig is named after the winning novel. What author’s surname fills up the blank?

6. Who wrote the screenplay for this movie?














7. Who started a publishing company called Indian Thought Publications?

8. Identify this Pune-based writer.

















9. Which comic book character is named after this fish?









10. Which writer wrote the screenplay for this movie?

What’s happening at International Book Week at TenderLeaves…..

“When the “Baron’s Barracudas” team took the stage, sure enough, the suggestion for the improv was “beer”.

     Shamanth Rao



“Never pay for work before it’s completed”

Abhinav Shrivastava



“Two days later. Reverend Mother rose (having refused to be examined by her husband for the first time in her life), reassumed her powers, and with a shrug of acquiescence in her daughter’s decision, passed Aziz his food as though it were a mere trifle of a business”.

 Kamala Menon



“He had the attitude that he could do anything , and therefore so can you”

 Ragini Deshpande



So I attempted to convey through my expression alone my desire to understand her and said nothing further.

 Isha Sharma Bali



In this benighted land, “forgiveness” was the refuge of a coward.

 Neil Niranjan McHoff



Such confusion of two statements partakes of a trivial , very trivial, logical error- but we are not immune to trivial, logical errors, nor are professors and thinkers particularly immune to them.

Tejas S. Sawant



You don’t need to be a genius to be succeesful or famous.

Jackson Rajkumar



It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.

Rittik Jana



“Bravery isn’t always what one ‘feels’ in one’s heart, but ‘knowing’ that you are scared and still choosing to act bravely. Taking the ownership of the consequences is what bravery actually is.”

Rupali Rotti



The International Book Week gets over soon, but we’ll love books all the same! Thank you all for your super-enthusiastic response.

It isnt over yet, of course. You can still take part in the celebrations. The rules are simple:

– Grab the book nearest to you.
– Turn to page 52.- Share the 5th sentence of the book as your Facebook status on the TenderLeaves Facebook page wall(share it on your personal wall too if you’d like).

– Dont mention the title of the book.

– Post these rules below your post. Share it with people so they can participate just as well.

That is not all. In a couple of hours, we’ll have a books-and-literature quiz to celebrate the International Book week. Watch this space.

Cheers from the TenderLeaves team.

International Book Week – Quote Sharing Game.

To celebrate the International Book Week, we are not holding a page 3 party. Yet, we’re joining a nerdy-but-nice celebratory ritual that people across the world are following this week.

The rules are simple.

– Grab the book closest to you(if you read on a Kindle, open the first book you notice on it).

– Turn to page 52.

– Post the 5th sentence of the book on the TenderLeaves Facebook page’s wall.

– Dont mention the title of the book.

Mention the above rules below the sentence in your status update.

We will not claim credit for this – people across the world are doing this to celebrate International Book Week. By sharing this yourself, you are becoming a part of world reading culture – and sharing the joy of reading in a small way.

(Do also consider sharing on your personal Facebook wall – for after all, sharing is caring. :))

Let us celebrate International Book Week together!

The International Book Week is here!

The world is celebrating the International Book Week all of this week!

At TenderLeaves, we think the best celebration is to actually read books – and we’re glad that there are 2854 books being read right now by our customers – yes – YOU. (Thank you!)

But there’s more to follow. There is a fun, informal event. There is a literature quiz – and there’s more!

Watch this space!


My Olympics Diary – a chance for schoolkids to get published by TenderLeaves.

Last year, we published the hugely successful compendium of writing from Pune’s schoolkids – ‘The Diary Of A Puneri Kid’ (see coverage in DNA here and update on TenderLeaves blog).

This year, the flavor of the season is the Olympics – and at TenderLeaves, we’re getting set to launch a new book from India’s young minds – My Olympics Diary.

If you are a school student, YOU can get featured in My Olympics Diary. Unlike the Diary of a Puneri Kid, this will not be a purely creative writing compendium – it will involve an understanding and knowledge of the Olympics just as well. You can read more about the idea behind My Olympic Diary in this blogpost.

Taking part is easy. Get started by registering rightaway on the TenderLeaves website(fill in the form on the right side of the page). If you’re a parent, you can register your kids just as well.

We’ll look forward to seeing your ideas in print soon! Here’s to faster, higher, stronger.